Each book in this new series follows a major technological innovation from its first appearance in human history to its present-day development. The intuitive layout of each book underscores the remarkable history that is surveyed. Running text on the upper third of each page provides a concise narrative, while a continuous timeline on the bottom two-thirds of the page records the highlights and curious facts of the development of the technology. Text and timeline together provide the kind of challenging and multi-format reading experience recommended for 3rd-through-5th-graders in today’s standards-based curriculums.
The series breaks down long and complicated developments into manageable pieces while graphically showing interdependencies and continuity.
Such functional features as definitions in context, glossary, and index help to improve comprehension and give readers practice with common research tools of information seeking.
Provides a “Find Out More” section of age-appropriate additional resources.
Dynamic layout enables the reader to follow the narrative or browse from fact to fact.
Provides a visual presentation of the topic to help reinforce information from textbooks and classroom lectures.
![Sample page layout showing historical structures and their descriptions](https://kalvischools.com/uploads/media/worldbook/timelinespreads.jpg)
- Adobe Shelters to Steel Skyscrapers: A Timeline of Building
- Counting Pebbles to Writing Code: A Timeline of Mathematics and Computers
- Foraging to Supermarkets: A Timeline of Food
- Hieroglyphics to Hypertext: A Timeline of the Written Word
- Leeches to Lasers: A Timeline of Medicine
- Smoke Signals to Smartphones: A Timeline of Long-Distance Communication
- Stargazing to Space Travel: A Timeline of Space Exploration
- Wooden Spears to Military Drones: A Timeline of Warfare
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